《どうぶつえん in TOKAS 2021》の1/15の回に参加します。
2021年1月15日 (金) 12:00 – 21:00
2021年1月16日 (土) 12:00 – 21:00
2021年1月17日 (日) 12:00 – 19:00
会場 トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷 スペースC(3F)
料金 3,000円
定員 20名(要予約)
2021年1月15日 (金) 12:00 – 21:00
2021年1月16日 (土) 12:00 – 21:00
2021年1月17日 (日) 12:00 – 19:00
桑原史香、村社祐太朗、黑田菜月、朴 建雄、武久絵里、松本奈々子、木内俊克、長谷川新、豊島彩花、川上元哉、綾門優季、藤田卓仙、たくみちゃん、武本拓也、よだまりえ、田上碧
ひろぽん、萩谷早枝子、山川陸、渡辺瑞帆、光岡幸一、ミキ仙太郎、内田涼、酒井直之、清原惟、武田 龍、國冨太陽、宮川知宙、根岸貴哉、渋革まろん、AkiIwaya、福西想人、日下部隆太、脇田颯人、石原新一郎、根本美咲、SawanoFromHell、飯岡陸、清水恵美、吉田藍子、青木陽、カゲヤマ気象台
Doubutsuenzoo “Doubutsuenzoo in TOKAS 2021”
Kamimura participates an event “Doubutsuenzoo in TOKAS 2021” on January 15, 2021.
The “Doubutsuenzoos” Aokid organizes are outdoor events held mainly in Yoyogi Park, in central Tokyo. Since 2016 there have been more than 70 presenters working in different disciplines. This time, past participants will be invited, and a program consisting of performances, talks, lectures, and workshops will create a forum for exchanging opinions and conducting practical discussions on future prospects for small-scale actions in Tokyo and other cities and regions.
2021/1/15 (Fri) 12:00 – 21:00
2021/1/16 (Sat) 12:00 – 21:00
2021/1/17 (Sun) 12:00 – 19:00
* Door opens 30 minutes prior to the performance.
* Guests are allowed to enter/exit the space anytime during the performances.
Admission 3,000 yen
Capacity 20 (Booking required)
Language Japanese
Venue Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo Space C (3F)
Performer Aokid, HAMADA Miri, YONEZAWA Ippei, Takumichan, TAKEDA Ryu, PARK Kenyu etc.
Ticket Booking
Please send E-mail with providing your Name, Phone number, Title of the program, Date and Time of the program, Number of the tickets with a subject of “OPEN SITE booking request [title of the program].”
Please note that booking requests will be closed during 2020/12/25-2021/1/4.
E-mail: ticket2020(at)tokyoartsandspace.jp
*Please change (at) to @
*OPEN SITE Administration Office will reply a booking confirmation within three working days. Please contact us again in case you do not receive the confirmation E-mail after three days.
*Payment should be made by cash at the door.
*Booking acceptance will be closed when the seats are fully booked, or 2 hours before each performance. For the latest ticket information, please check the TOKAS website.
Event page → https://www.tokyoartsandspace.jp/en/archive/exhibition/2021/20210115-7024.html