Lesson Class Practice

《Lesson Class Practice》

初演 2018.10 Art Center Ongoing
上演時間 約60分
演出・振付  神村恵
出演 神村恵 鈴木雅子
協力 木村玲奈 黒川幸則 佐々木智子 SCOOL


Art Center Ongoing

《Lesson Class Practice》

Premiered  2018.10  Art Center Ongoing
Duration 60min.
Direction/Choreography  Megumi Kamimura
Performance  Megumi Kamimura, Masako Suzuki
Thanks to  Reina Kimura, Yukinori Kurokawa, Tomoko Sasaki, SCOOL

This perfromance features Ms. Suzuki who has been
training yoga in Kamimura’s class for years.
They look back the process of Ms.Suzuki’s progress, and
Kamimura performs instructions based on the improvements
that her student has experienced.
Shuttling between yoga and dance, they reveal what actually
happens in the process of progress.


《Lesson Class Pratice》について、木村覚さんによるインタビュー記事が、Bonusのサイトにアップされています。神村と出演者の鈴木雅子さんが答えています。

The interview on the performance “Lesson Class Practice” is updated on the website of BONUS. Only in Japanese.

Art Center Ongoing