《subjunctive mood lesson(仮定法のレッスン)vol.2》
会場:武蔵野タワーズ スカイゲートタワー前広場/三谷公園(三鷹、東京)
演出・出演: 神村恵 高嶋晋一
自由 社会 存在 公共性 悪 権利
TERATOTERA祭り2019〜選択の不自由〜 プログラム
主催:東京都、公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京、一般社団法人Ongoing
Zen-go(Megumi Kamimura+Shinichi Takashima)
《subjunctive mood lesson vol.2》
Date: 2019.11.9,10
Venue: Musashino Towers Sky Gate Tower Open Space, Sanya Park(Mitaka, Tokyo)
Duration: 30〜40 minutes (6 performances in total)
Direction/Performance: Megumi Kamimura, Shinichi Takashima
A performance to visualize and materialize “abstract concepts” which form the foundation of our thoughts and behaviors, but are rarely discussed or reconfirmed in daily life. Performers make an extreme assumption that “what if abstract concepts have concrete forms”, and make some structures or movements with some objects. They start from the point where no-one can agree and try to find some agreements on the definition of the words and the figures they may have.
The choice of a word was decided from the exchange with the audience.
[Abstract Words dealt in performance]
Freedom, Society, Existence, Publicness, Evil, Right
・Choose an abstract word from a list
・Make three structures with daily objects
・Discuss which structure applies most the concept
・Make change and movements to the structure as discussing, and write down any definitions of the word on a whiteboard.
TERATOTERA Festival 2019〜Difficulty of Choice〜 Program
Host:Tokyo Metropolitan Gov., Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Arts Council Tokyo, Ongoing
Support:Mitaka City, Musashino City
Cooperation:HYM, Machizukuri Mitaka, Mitubishi josho community corporation
TERATOTERA Festival 2019 Site
Photo: Takafumi Sakanaka