Whenever Wherever Festival 2021に、前後(神村恵+高嶋晋一)が参加します。
病める舞姫をテクストに、ヒジカタ meets スパイラル
日時 2021.12.23 Thu 16:30−18:30
会場 スパイラルホール
●1日券|12.23 Thu 11:00−20:00
一般 3,500円/港区割引・U24/O65割引 3,000円
●半日券〈後半〉|12.23 Thu 16:30−20:00
一般 2,000円/港区割引・U24/O65割引 1,500円
●2日セット券|12.23 Thu+12.24 Fri 11:00−20:00
一般 5,000円/港区割引・U24/O65割引 4,500円
Zen-go(Megumi Kamimura + Shinichi Takashima) will present a new piece “Choreography of the Ways of Viewing” based on the text “Yameru Maihime (Sick dancing girl)” by Tatsumi Hijikata in Whenever Wherever Festival 2021.
“Sick dancing girl”, Hijikata meets Spiral
Based on the text “Yameru Maihime (Sick dancing girl)” by Tatsumi Hijikata, one of the originators of Butoh, three artists present performance pieces as their own interpretations. Talk session will follow the performances to share their approaches and creation processes.
Date&Time 2021.12.23 Thu 16:30−18:30
Venue Spiral Hall (Tokyo)
Choreography/Performance: Zen-go(Megumi Kamimura + Shinichi Takashima), Mai Kubota, Kana Sakatoh
Curator: Mina Nishimura
Ticket: Please purchase one of the following kinds at Peatix.
●1 Day Ticket|12.23 Thu 11:00−20:00
Standard 3,500yen/Minato-ward Residents・U24/O65 3,000yen
●Half-day Ticket|12.23 Thu 16:30−20:00
Standard 2,000yen/Minato-ward Residents・U24/O65 1,500yen
●2 Day Ticket|12.23 Thu+12.24 Fri 11:00−20:00
Standard 5,000yen/Minato-ward Residents・U24/O65 4,500yen
Photo: 光岡幸一(上左) 、Hajime Kato©︎Spiral / Wacoal Art Center(上右)、阪中隆文(下)