知らせ / Tidings

乳歯 <知らせ>

初演  2016.3  森下スタジオ
コンセプト・演出・出演  神村恵 津田道子
上演時間  60分
主催 吾妻橋ダンスクロッシング実行委員会


“Tidings” (as babytooth)

Premiered  2016.3 at Morishita Studio,Tokyo
Concept/Direction/Performance  Megumi Kamimura, Michiko Tsuda
Duration  60 min.
Production  Azumabashi Dance Crossing Committee

“Tidings” is an attempt by Megumi Kamimura (choreographer) and Michiko Tsuda (visual artist) to consider the mechanism of theatrical performances.
In theater, performers pretend to do something as someone (something) else, and the audience watch those acts or events. Both of them understand that the performances are “lies”, but they nonetheless believe in them. Such complicities make the theatrical performances function properly.
In this piece, two per formers continue a dialogue to examine and reconstruct the elements of theatrical experience/performance, and the rules which are shared almost unconsciously.

© Kazuyuki Matsumoto